What do we store
If you log in as a guest or create an account:- A one-way hash of your IP address, kept for security and anti-abuse purposes. This one-way hash allows us to identify your IP address with a unique string generated from it that won't allow finding actual information on the IP
Additionally, if you do make an account:
- The email and username that were provided
- A one-way hash of the password you gave us
If you send a message:
- The message content
- The time the message was sent
How do we use collected information
We only use it for strictly necessary purposes, which are basic functions of the nin0chat server and anti-abuse purposes if needed. Your data will never be sold or shared to any third-parties, unless absolutely required to do so by law. (if you see this message, no data has been shared with any third-party since nin0chat's creation)Data retention
We keep your data for as long as you have an account.If you want your data to be deleted, email [email protected] from the account email. If you did not make an account, state the used IP address.